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香港攝影大賽 2024 正式展開


人人有獎,獎品超過 10 萬元

Hong Kong Photo Contest 2024

Organized by National Geographic Magazine (Traditional Chinese Edition) Presented by Wheelock 

Visual Storytelling for Hong Kon
Official Launch

Everyone has a prize, with prizes exceeding HK$100,000.

2024年10月3日,香港 — 香港閃耀的城市魅力一直吸引來自世界各地的人前來旅居探索,中西文化薈萃、城市郊野自然糅合、繁華都會與世界級的地質奇觀僅咫尺之遙,這顆東方明珠的獨特魅力亦啓發了許多攝影師拍攝各種範疇的作品。為培育有潛質的攝影師,香港攝影大賽 2024誠邀全球16歲或以上的攝影愛好者一同參與。 October 3th, 2024, Hong Kong – A city of fascinating charm that captivates explorers from all over the world with its East-West cultural fusion, natural mixture of urban areas and countryside, and world-class geological wonders that are just a stone's throw away from the bustling city, Hong Kong has always been a source of inspiration for many photographers. To nurture potential and talented photographers, the Hong Kong Photo Contest 2024 invites entries from photography enthusiasts worldwide.

《國家地理》雜誌主辦、會德豐呈獻 : 香港攝影大賽連續第八年舉行,本年度攝影大賽的組別分為「風景、生態、城市、人物、運動及手機」,鼓勵參加者發揮創意,以嶄新視野發掘城市、人文、歷史及大自然之美、生活點滴或觸動人心的人和事。參加者可以使用相機或手機拍攝,以相片訴說香港故事,透過影像將香港的獨特魅力以更受注目的方式呈現給世界。每位參賽者成功遞交作品後,更 可獲得馬哥孛羅香港酒店餐飲優惠碼及昂坪 360 纜車門票優惠碼,人人有獎! 此外,本年度增設「旅客特別獎」,鼓勵來港旅客共同參與大賽。 Organized by National Geographic Magazine (Traditional Chinese Edition) and presented by Wheelock Properties, the annual photography contest has been scheduled for the eight time in a row. This year's categories are landscape, wildlife, city, people, sport, and mobile photography, aiming to stimulate creativity and encourage contestants to uncover the beauty of the city, people, and nature, and heartwarming tales from a brand-new perspective. Whether taken with a camera or mobile phone, entries should spotlight the unique glamour of Hong Kong.

大會希望透過這年度攝影盛事,提升各參加者的攝影技術水平,並與國際標準互相媲美,大賽期間國家地理聯同 Club Wheelock 舉辦攝影工作坊及講座,由資深攝影師親身指導,以提升參加者的攝影技巧,互相交流攝影經驗與心得。本週六 ﹙5/10﹚由風景及旅遊攝影師劉兆景(Anthony Lau)帶領「旅遊攝影工作坊」, 到訪香港島華富邨及九龍鯉魚門三家村風景拍攝,本次工作坊更特別邀請廣東省青少攝影家協會幫忙在內地招收學員;十月二十五日由香港著名運動攝影師程詩詠 ﹙Brian Ching﹚主講 「城市中的運動攝影」專題,分享 20 年運動攝影經驗。 After each contestant successfully submits their work, they can also receive a dining discount code for Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel and a cable car ticket discount code for Ngong Ping 360, with prizes for everyone! In addition, this year’s ‘Special Traveler Award’ has been added to encourage tourists visiting Hong Kong to participate in the Contest.

《國家地理》雜誌中文版總編輯、大石文化執行長李永適先生、會德豐地產副主席兼常務董事黃光耀先生,以及一眾貴賓共同出席了「香港攝影大賽 2024」啟動禮。《國家地理》雜誌中文版總編輯、大石文化執行長李永適說:「在會德豐的支持下,香港攝影大賽今年邁入第八年。疫後的香港重啟了許多重大體育賽事,包括香港馬拉松、香港七人欖球賽、香港網球公開賽……等等。為了鼓勵香港市民關注體育並增強體質,我們今年特別設立運動攝影類別,不僅為了捕捉運動員在重大賽事中的英姿,還能記錄朋友和家人的活力。此外,隨著疫後來港旅客逐漸增多,我們也增設了『旅客特別獎』三名,以鼓勵外來的遊客參與大賽。延續過去的成功,相信今年大賽『影像說故事的力量』也能展現香港人的活力,以及旅客眼中獨特的香港。」 The Contest hopes to enhance the photography skills of all participants through this annual photography event, making them comparable to international standards. During the Contest, National Geographic, in collaboration with Wheelock, will organize photo workshop and lecture, personally guided by experienced photographers, to improve participants’ photography skills and exchange photography experiences and insights. This Saturday (5/10), landscape and travel photographer Anthony Lau will lead a ‘Travel Photography Workshop,’ visiting the scenic areas of Wah Fu Estate on Hong Kong Island and Lei Yue Mun Sam Ka Tsuen in Kowloon. This workshop also specially invites the Guangdong Youth Photographers Association to assist in recruiting students from mainland China. On October 26th, renowned sports photographer Brian Ching will give a special lecture on ‘Sports Photography in the City,’ sharing 20 years of sports photography experience

會德豐地產副主席兼常務董事黃 光耀先生表示:「今屆是我們會德豐地產與《國家地理》雜誌連續第 8 屆攜手舉 辦『香港攝影大賽』,我們十分榮幸能延續這個一年一度的香港攝影盛事,繼續 提供一個國際平台讓攝影師們把香港獨特的活力呈現給全世界 。今年夏天舉行的 巴黎奧運會及殘奧會,我們一起見證香港運動員的努力,再創佳績 。有見及此, 今年香港攝影大賽增設「運動攝影」組別,希望藉此提升市民對體育關注。此外, 本屆比賽更新增「旅客特別獎」,希望吸引世界各地的旅客參與比賽,讓他們透 過攝影感受香港獨有的魅力!」 Mr. Yungshih Lee, the editor-in-chief of the Chinese version of National Geographic magazine and CEO of Boulder Media Inc., Mr Ricky Wong, Vice Chairman and Managing Director of Wheelock Properties, along with distinguished guests, attended the launch ceremony of the “Hong Kong Photography Contest 2024”. Mr. Yungshih Lee said, “With the support of Wheelock, the Hong Kong Photo Contest has entered its eighth year. Post-pandemic, Hong Kong has resumed many major sports events, including the Hong Kong Marathon, Hong Kong Sevens, and Hong Kong Tennis Open. To encourage Hong Kong citizens to pay attention to sports and improve their fitness, we have specially set up a sports photography category this year, not only to capture the elegance of athletes in major events but also to record the vitality of friends and family. Additionally, with the increasing number of visitors to Hong Kong post-pandemic, we have also added ten‘special awards for travelers’ to encourage tourists to participate in the contest. Continuing the success of the past, we believe the contest theme ‘The Power of Visual Storytelling’ will showcase the vitality of Hong Kong people and the unique perspectives of tourists.”

《國家地理》雜誌主辦、會德豐呈獻 : 香港攝影大賽 2024現正接受全球16歲或以上 的攝影愛好者報名參加。大賽設有六個組別,分別為「風景」、「生態」、「 城市」、「人物」、「運動」及「手機」,此外,今年比賽亦新增設了「旅客特別獎」10名。由即日起至2024年12月3日,參賽者可以將攝影作品上載到 www.hkphotocontest.com,得獎者將獲得豐富獎品總值港幣十萬,各組別冠、亞、季軍作品將有機會被刊登於《國家地理》雜誌中文版,與台、港、澳、星、馬數十萬讀者分享,並於公開展覽中展出。而每位參賽者將在徵件期後,更會獲得由馬哥孛羅香港贊助的餐飲優惠碼及由昂坪360贊助的纜車門票優惠碼! Mr Ricky Wong, Vice Chairman and Managing Director of Wheelock Properties mentioned, "This year marks the 8th consecutive collaboration between Wheelock Properties and National Geographic Magazine to host the 'Hong Kong Photo Contest'. We are honored to continue this annual photography event in Hong Kong, providing an international platform for photographers to showcase the unique vibrancy of Hong Kong to the world. This summer, during the Paris Olympics and Paralympics, we witnessed the efforts of Hong Kong athletes as they achieved great results. In light of this, 'Hong Kong Photo Contest 2024' has introduced a new category of 'Sports Photography' this year, hoping to enhance public interest in sports. Additionally, 'Special Award for Travelers' has been added to attract participants from around the world, allowing them to experience the unique charm of Hong Kong through photography!"

The National Geographic magazine, in collaboration with Wheelock, is currently accepting registrations from photography enthusiasts aged 16 or above for the Hong Kong Photo Contest 2024. The Contest features six categories: Landscape, Wildlife, City, People, Sports, and Mobile Photography. Additionally, this year’s contest added ten ‘special awards for travelers’ to encourage tourists to participate in the contest. From now until December 3, 2024, participants can upload their photography works to www.hkphotocontest.com. Winners will receive a rich prize package totaling HKD 100,000, and the winning works from each category will have the opportunity to be featured in the Chinese edition of National Geographic magazine, reaching hundreds of thousands of readers in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, and Malaysia. Additionally, every participant will receive dining discount codes sponsored by Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel and cable car ticket discount codes sponsored by Ngong Ping 360 after the submission period!

(左起)《國家地理》雜誌中文版總編輯、大石文化執行長李永適先生,會德豐地產副主席兼常務董事黃光耀先生,馬哥孛羅香港酒店總經理魏嘉興(Gerhard Aicher)先生,昂坪360董事總經理董沛銓先生及天星小輪總經理周潤宏先生合照。 (From Left) Mr. Yungshih Lee, the editor-in-chief of the Chinese version of National Geographic magazine and CEO of Boulder Media Inc., Mr Ricky Wong, Vice Chairman and Managing Director of Wheelock Properties, Mr. Gerhard Aicher, Area General Manager of Marco Polo Hotels Hong Kong, Mr. James Tung, Managing Director of Ngong Ping 360, Mr. Stephen Chau, General Manager of Star Ferry
(左起)會德豐地產副主席兼常務董事黃光耀先生,《國家地理》雜誌中文版總編輯、大石文化執行長李永適先生,會德豐地產客戶關係管理經理胡兆敏小姐及會德豐地產執行董事兼集團財務總監徐耀祥先生合照。 (From Left) Mr Ricky Wong, Vice Chairman and Managing Director of Wheelock Properties,Mr. Yungshih Lee, the editor-in-chief of the Chinese version of National Geographic magazine and CEO of Boulder Media Inc., Ms. Mandy Woo, CRM & Event Manager of Wheelock Properties, Mr. Paul Tsui, Executive Director & Group Chief Financial Officer of Wheelock Properties.

參賽組別詳情如下: Categories and Prizes:

  • 風景:透過自然美景、郊野活動,走進大自然,捕捉香港郊野的迷人光影。 Landscape: Capture the beautiful scenes and precious moments of Hong Kong's countryside.
  • 生態:香港生態環境無論陸地及海底也孕育豐富生物多樣性,透過相片能引起公眾對野生動植物的認識和對保育的關注。 Wildlife: Explore Hong Kong's natural beauties and wildlife wonders.
  • 城市:勾劃都市輪廓,發掘城市的潛力及生活脈搏,能帶出香港城市魅力的作此外品。 City: Cityscapes, images depicting underlying potential and pulses of city lives, and photos that capture the charms of the metropolitan Hong Kong city.
  • 人物:個人特寫、日常生活,觸動人心、呈現香港精神的人和事。 People: Portraits, everyday encounters, photos with stories, and Hong Kong spirit.
  • 運動:不僅是捕捉運動賽事的運動員英姿,親子、親友的日常運動也是值得以影像記錄的。 Sports: Photography not only captures the heroic postures of athletes, but it also records the vitality of friends and family.
  • 手機:通過手機拍攝以上各項主題。 Mobile Photography: Photographs taken by mobile phone on the above themes.

* 為鼓勵旅客參賽,本屆特設旅客特別獎3名;旅客拍攝的上述主題的攝影作品均可參加。
Note: Each entrant can submit six works at most, including one photo to each category (Landscape, Wildlife, City, People, Sports and Mobile Photography); Entries must be produced within the last 2 years.
* To encourage travelers to participate, this year’s Photo Contest has set up ten special awards for travelers. Photographs taken by travelers on the aforementioned themes are eligible to participate.

冠軍(名額︰每組1名,共6名) 1st Place (No. of Awards: 1 in each category; 6 in total): 獎金港幣$10,000元正,《國家地理》雜誌中文版贈閱一年及昂坪360水晶車廂來回纜車門票2套 Cash Prize HK$10,000; One year subscription of National Geographic Magazine Traditional Chinese Edition; NP360 Round Trip Cable Car (Crystal Cabin) Ticket x 2
亞軍(名額︰每組1名,共6名) 2nd Place (No. of Awards: 1 in each category; 6 in total): 獎金港幣$5,000元正及《國家地理》雜誌中文版贈閱一年 Cash Prize HK$5,000; One year subscription of National Geographic Magazine Traditional Chinese Edition
季軍(名額︰每組1名,共6名) 3rd Place (No. of Awards: 1 in each category; 6 in total): 獎金港幣$2,000元正及《國家地理》雜誌中文版贈閱一年 Cash Prize HK$2,000; One year subscription of National Geographic Magazine Traditional Chinese Edition
佳作獎(名額︰每組3名,共18名) Merit Awards (No. of Awards: 3 in each category; 18 in total): 《國家地理》雜誌中文版贈閱一年 One year subscription of National Geographic Magazine Traditional Chinese Edition

旅客特別獎項 Special Awards for Travelers (10 in total):
To encourage travelers to participate, this year’s Photo Contest has set up special awards for travelers.

旅客特別獎冠軍(名額︰1名) Special Travelers Award 1st Place (No. of Award : 1) 馬哥孛羅香港酒店 高級客房一晚連早餐住宿禮券 及 昂坪360水晶車廂來回纜車門票2套 Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel (1 Night x Superior Room stay including breakfast); NP360 Round Trip Cable Car (Crystal Cabin) Ticket x 2
旅客特別獎亞軍(名額︰1名) Special Travelers Award 2nd Place (No. of Award : 1) 香港港威酒店 高級客房一晚連早餐住宿禮券 及 昂坪360水晶車廂來回纜車門票2套 Hong Kong Gateway Hotel (1 Night x Superior Room stay including breakfast); NP360 Round Trip Cable Car (Crystal Cabin) Ticket x 2
旅客特別獎季軍(名額︰1名) Special Travelers Award 3rd Place (No. of Award : 1) 香港太子酒店 高級客房一晚連早餐住宿禮券 及 昂坪360水晶車廂來回纜車門票2套 Hong Kong Prince Hotel (1 Night x Superior Room stay including breakfast); NP360 Round Trip Cable Car (Crystal Cabin) Ticket x 2
旅客特別獎佳作(名額︰共7名) Special Travelers Award Merit (No. of Awards : 7) 昂坪360水晶車廂來回纜車門票2套 NP360 Round Trip Cable Car (Crystal Cabin) Ticket x 2

有關「國家地理雜誌主辦、會德豐呈獻 : 香港攝影大賽 2024」詳情,請瀏覽 www.hkphotocontest.com For more information about "Hong Kong Photo Contest," please visit www.hkphotocontest.com

Facebook: hongkongphotocontest  Instagram: hongkongphotocontest

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WhatsApp︰+852 6376 3595 / Email: [email protected]
Club Wheelock Whatsapp: +852 2118 3288 / Email: Zoe Lau ([email protected])